Friday, April 20, 2012

The Magician's Nephew

Finished The Magician's Nephew by C. S. Lewis. Although it was the sixth to be published, it's actually the first book in chronological reading order of Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia. I've read this book before, but I did not enjoy it nearly as much as I did this time. This time I listened to Kenneth Branagh read it as an audiobook. It was charming. He has a different voice for each animal in the newly created land of Narnia. You can tell that he's having a ball reading this book aloud.

The many references to Genesis are perhaps lost on younger readers, but bring more relevance to the story for me since I'm interested in Lewis as a theologian as well.

The best part however was the realization that the wardrobe in the next book was made from the wood of the apple tree planted by Diggory as a boy and that Diggory grows up to be the old professor who takes in Lucy, Peter, Susan and Edmund during World War II.

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