Monday, March 3, 2014

The Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt: 55 Letters and the 111 Blocks They Inspired

Finished The Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt: 55 Letters and the 111 Blocks They Inspired. Once upon a time there was a magazine entitled The Farmer's Wife. Back in 1922 they asked their readership, "If you had a daughter of marriageable age, would you, in light of your own experience, have her marry a farmer?" The response was overwhelmingly positive.

Women wrote letters about the fresh food, clean living, fresh air, good books, recordings of fine music, games, etc. that occupied family evenings once all the chores were done. They saw farming as a noble profession and mentioned the many time and labor saving devices that had improved the lot of the farmer's wife. This book features many of these letters as well as quilt block patterns, that when sewn all together, comprise The Farmer's Wife Quilt. The letters are charming and uplifting. The illustrations and quilt block assembly instructions clear and easy to follow. The book also includes a CD with pattern templates for quilters to print and use. The cover and the illustrations show drab, dark fabrics. I cannot wait to make one of these quilts with bright, happy, vibrant fabrics.

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